"Easy Choc" chocolate molds give you the opportunity to create from fondant, white or milk chocolate candies or mini desserts with a variety of shapes and a perfect appearance.

Manufacturer: Silikomart - Italy
The code: SCG
Thanks to its flexible structure, their property of not sticking to the product and the specific polishing effect of their internal surfaces, these shapes give you the most- the good. They can be used in a very wide temperature range: from โ€“ 60 With up to a maximum temperature of + 230 With and can be transferred directly from the freezer to the stove or microwave oven.

"Easy Choc" are easy to use, can be used up to 3000 times and are absolutely non-toxic. They are easily washed with hot water or in the dishwasher.

Available in 10 different types of shapes.


The course was theoretical and practical, introduced the students to current innovations in computer decoration, as well as various modern techniques for decorating cakes and other confectionery.

Here are the training modules:

  • Filling the containers of an Epson printer with ink. Using an edible ink filling system.
  • Precise and special Epson and Canon printer settings for printing images on fondant and wafer paper.
  • Demonstration and printing of images on a new type of wafer paper. Printing images on fondant paper using different methods.
  • New methods and techniques for preserving a clear image of the already made decoration.
  • Using the printer to decorate cookies and muffins.

Each course participant received:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Opportunity to purchase a RemcoBg printer and/or consumables with 10% discount off base prices;

๐Ÿ‘‰ Additionally 5% discount on each of the future courses, organized and partnered by RemcoBg;

๐Ÿ‘‰ Certificate of completed training.

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